Following is a public service announcement from Pascal de Bruijn, the maintainer of the Ubuntu PPAs.
As most of you know, my darktable-unstable PPA was serving as a pre-release repository for our stable maintenance tree, as it usually does. Now as master has settled down, and we’re slowly gearing up for a 2.0 release, I’ll do pre-release (release candidate) builds for darktable 2.0 there.
On my darktable-unstable PPA I will support Ubuntu Trusty (14.04, the latest Long Term Support release) as always. Temporarily I’ll support Ubuntu Wily (15.10, the latest plain release) as well, at least until we have a final 2.0 stable release. Once we have a final 2.0 stable release I will support all Ubuntu versions (still) supported by Canonical at that time via my darktable-release PPA as usual.
In general updates on my darktable-unstable PPA should be expected to be fairly erratic, completely depending on the number and significance of changes being made in git master. That said, I expect that it will probably average out at once a week or so.
If you find any issues with these darktable release candidates please do report them to our bug tracker.
Thanks to Pascal de Bruijn and the Darktable team for the hard work!
Tank you
Cédric from France