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tag: website

Comments be gone

We are sorry to inform you that we had to disable comments on this website. Currently there are more than 21 thousand messages in the spam queue plus another 2.6 thousand in the review queue. There is no way we can handle those. If you want to get in touch with us then head over to the contact page and find what suits you best – mailing lists, IRC, bug tracker, … We hope to be able to get some alternative up and running, but that might take some time as it’s not really a high priority for us.

user manual updated

Dear all, we updated both the English online user manual and the PDF version to darktable 1.4. The online version can be found at https://darktable.org/usermanual/en/, the PDF document is available from here. Many thanks to Ulrich and Jérémy for their outstanding work on keeping our documentation up to date! Another thing worth mentioning is the current status of the user manual translation. We have several contributors working on translating the manual into French and Italian – thanks, Victor and Federico!

have your lens calibrated!

just a quick plug for torsten’s great new service which allows you to calibrate your lens for lensfun. this will enable you to use darktable’s lens correction module with your lens if it hasn’t been calibrated by others for you yet. all you need to do is take some sample images and upload them here: http://wilson.bronger.org/calibration the page contains some more detailed instructions about which images are useful and which aren’t.

Changing server [update]

We are about to move our website to a new server. This will give us a performance boost (e.g. in terms of page loading speed) and might give us the chance to provide some more services in the future. Due to this the comments are closed as of now until everything is in place again. We hope everything runs smoothly – if not, be patient. :) … and I take this as an opportunity to thank PolarFox again for hosting darktable’s website and taking care of all technical server stuff!